Digital nomads traveling North America

Where it was: Casa Grande, AZ

Where we stayed: 30-amp section, Casa Grande Fairgrounds

What was it like? It was a fantastic experience, and it 100% changed our RV'ing philosophy. Before the convergence, it seemed like RV'ing would be a chapter of our lives, and one day we would either go back to living in a structure without wheels, or possibly continue traveling abroad. Now, it seems like we could truly full-time long-term. It's hard to explain the shift in thinking. Perhaps the sense of community is enough to provide some concept of long-term structure and sustainability.

A word of caution: Xscapers promotes itself as a "social club for the working-age RV'er." This is not a lie, but it's still not quite what we expected. There were still quite a few retired people there. I'd say the average age there was around 40, and we were definitely amongst the youngest attendees (not counting the actual children.) So if you are a 20-something who is #vanlife, the Xscapers scene may not be a perfect fit for you, but it's very close, and there are other people there (like us) in their late 20's / early 30's!

Our favorite part: Probably watching roller derby! The local Casa Grande roller derby team played Phoenix at the fairgrounds, and it was so fun! I am looking forward to going to more roller derby events in my life.

A close second would probably be Rocky Horror Picture Show. This was my third show experience, and boy it was fun. Then again, I love watching people in uncomfortable situations. 😉

Will we be back? We are 100% planning on attending the Halloween Vegas convergence, costumes and all. As for if Casa Grande is worth a, not sure, Phoenix is just right up the road.